The volcano ash had halted another flight to Dublin - Sandwell District couldn't play. At short notice Fran and Sunil filled in at Test instead. Bad luck struck just before Fran was to play - his laptop, with parts for his live set on it, decided to die. Using just his drum machine for the set, he managed admirably, even though vital parts were missing. Coming close to the changeover came a short, impromptu experiment; the two decided to jam - Sunil's records over Fran's drum machine. There was an instant and natural dynamic between the two, which was a highlight of the gig for both of them. They decided then that they’d have to do it "properly next time".
The next time is here. On the 3rd of July in The Underground at Kennedys the best in Irish techno will come together for what promises to be a monster of a DJ/Live show. FRAN HARTNETT & SUNIL SHARPE will showcase a rare collaboration.
Thats not all, also performing for the first time in Dublin will be the Tresor resident SUBHEAD aka Jason Leach. With over 100 releases under his belt, Jason Leach has established himself as both a solo artist and also as part of the mighty Subhead, alongside Phil Wells (DJ Sueme) RIP.This guy is loud, hard, fast, fierce and not to be missed.
Check out a blurb......
"Shrugging off self-promotion and magazine coverage adds to their (Subhead’s) anonymity while intense live-performances have built devoted followings worldwide for anyone seeking Art on the right angle: Punk rock while pure Techno. Originally meeting in Shoreditch East London as dispatch riders, their melding of minds cranked up the Subhead warehouse party circuit in 1995 while giving birth to the Subhead label (appropriately aboard a Russian nuclear submarine). That year also brought in third-Subhead Jamie Lidell (Super_Collider) where notorious studio sessions quickly hammered out a raucous catalog of the first Subhead releases ("Punchy but weird...like us" - Phil Wells). Subhead‘s embrace and strangulation of hard-edged technology falls into no category or school, dropping only hints at Hip-Hop, Breakbeat, Freestyle and Electro backgrounds besides the obvious Techno functions. For spotters of Vogel, Landstrumm, Si Begg and Captain Beefheart, Subhead deeply delivers scalding but quirky and pumping raw funk-powered Hip-Hop hi-hat battles for the speaker phreaks. The music is as abstract as the people behind it with do-it-yourself indie-know-how letting the tracks speak for themselves (as tough and loud as they want it). Gigging and putting out the latest Subhead sessions themselves have kept hardcore followers intrigued with Jason and Phil‘s uncompromising art of invisibility. Underground and as tough and loud as Leach and Wells are known, Subhead‘s art attack breaks the dancefloor standards with everything between sampladelic freestyle and raucous bottomline Techno. Unbelievable while totally understandable." Tresor Berlin